🗣️ Tech Conferences

Here’s the list of the conferences I’m following to build the newsletter. If you see your favorite conference is missing, add it here!

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  1. Devoxx (all locations)

  2. NDC (all locations)

  3. GOTO (all locations)

  4. CNCF conferences (KubeCon, CloudNativeCon, GitOpsCon, KDC, EnvoyCon, ...)

  5. Confreaks (RubyConf, RailsConf, DevOpsDays, Chain React, EmberConf, ...)

  6. JavaScript Conferences by GitNation (JSNation, Node Congress, TS Congress, DevOps.js, TestJS, ...)

  7. J on the beach (JOTB)

  8. PyCon (all locations)

  9. EuroPython

  10. LeadDev (all locations)

  11. PyData

  12. code::dive

  13. SFPython

  14. DevOpsCon

  15. DevOpsDays London

  16. GeeCON

  17. Spring I/O

  18. PapersWeLove

  19. ReactiveSummit

  20. ScalaDays (all locations)

  21. StrangeLoop (Sadly, it’s been discontinued in 2023. I’ll be missing that one!)

  22. React Conf

  23. Droidcon Italy

  24. dotconferences (dotJS, dotCSS, dotGo, dotScale, dotSecurity, dotAI, dotSwift, ...)

  25. React Native EU

  26. CppCon

  27. Clojure/conj

  28. EuroClojure

  29. JSWORLD conferences

  30. JSConf

  31. Code Sync conferences (Erlang Factory, Code BEAM, Lambda Days, RabbitMQ Summit, ...)

  32. DDD East Midlands

  33. Domain-Driven Design Europe

  34. JSHeroes

  35. Erlang Solutions conferences (ElixirConf, Code Mesh, ...)

  36. Conf42 conferences (Conf42 DevOps, Conf42 DevSecOps, Conf42 Cloud Native, Conf42 SRE, ...)

  37. Rust conferences (RustConf, EuroRust, RustFest, ...)

  38. The Linux Foundation (Cassandra Summit, OSS Summit, LinuxCon ...)

  39. PlainSchwarz conferences (Berlin Buzzwords, Haystack Europe, ...)

  40. nullcon

  41. WASM I/O

  42. USENIX conferences (USENIX Security, PEPR, NSDI, OSDI, ATC, ...)

  43. try! Swift

  44. API Conference

  45. SmashingConf

  46. JAXLondonCon

  47. Bigdataldn

  48. netways (stackconf, OSDC, OSMC, ...)

  49. Data Science Conference (DSC)

  50. Southern Data Science Conference (SDSC)

  51. MLOps conferences

  52. Beam Summit

  53. Flink Forward

  54. Databricks conferences

  55. All Things Open

  56. GopherCon (all locations)

  57. EuroRust

  58. RemixConf

  59. React Conferences by GitNation

  60. Jakarta EE Conferences

  61. JCON

  62. DevBcn: The Barcelona Developers Conference

  63. devnexus

  64. JChampions Conference

  65. JNation

  66. Confer Conference

  67. Shift Conference

  68. wrocloverb

  69. Unison Language

  70. media.ccc.de

  71. FOSS United

  72. InfoQ (QCon)

  73. <your conference here>

Last update: 2025-01-22